Marinated Salmon

Marinated Salmon

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20 m
Calories: 117
2 people

The marinated salmon recipe is a delicious option for those seeking a healthy and flavorful dish. This preparation has become an iconic dish of Scandinavian cuisine, especially in countries such as Norway, Sweden, and Finland.

Marinated salmon, also known as Gravlax, originated in medieval times, when it was used to preserve fish during the winter months. In those times, the salmon was cured with salt and herbs, and buried in the ground to keep it fresh.

Today, marinated salmon is prepared in a simpler and quicker way, but still retains all its original flavor and texture. By marinating the salmon with sugar, salt, and fresh herbs, a delicious flavor is created that you will love.

To prepare the marinated salmon, it is important to take into account some important details, we leave them all at the end of the article. Don't miss them!

With this recipe, you can surprise your guests with a delicious and flavorful dish. Dare to try it and enjoy the tradition of Scandinavian cuisine!

Ingredients for Marinated Salmon for 2 people

  • 500 gr of fresh salmon (in fillets of similar size)
  • 225 gr of sugar
  • 150 gr of salt
  • 1 tablespoon of ground black pepper
  • 1 bunch of fresh dill
  • Olive oil

How to make the recipe Marinated Salmon

  1. Wash and dry the salmon fillets with kitchen paper. Remove the bones if there are any. It is important that the fillets are of a similar size and thickness so that they marinate evenly.
  2. In a container mix the sugar, salt, ground black pepper, and half of the chopped dill. Stir well.
  3. We take a tray and create a bed with half of the previous mixture. And we place the salmon fillets on top. Then we completely cover them with the other half of the mixture. Make sure the fillets are well covered.
  4. Cover the tray with cling film and refrigerate for at least 12 hours (or up to a maximum of 24 hours) for the salmon to marinate and acquire flavor.
  5. After the marinating time, remove the salmon from the tray and wash it well with water to remove all the fat and liquid that it has released as well as remove all excess salt and sugar. Dry it with kitchen paper.
  6. Wash the fresh dill and chop finely. Sprinkle the dill over the salmon fillets.
  7. Finally, we slice it with a sharp knife discarding the skin. We can consume it at the moment or store it in the fridge in an airtight container. We can smear a little oil on top to prevent it from drying out. Better if it is a mild olive oil (it does not have to be extra virgin, it kills the flavor).

Notes and Tips

When you cover the salmon fillets with the mixture of salt, sugar, and pepper, make sure they are well covered. This will help create a crunchier crust on the outside and juicy meat on the inside.

If you want to give a different touch to your marinated salmon, you can experiment with different herbs and spices. For example, you can add orange zest, freshly grated ginger, or ground cumin to the salt and sugar mixture.

Make sure you have fresh, good quality salmon. But if you can't find it fresh, you can use frozen salmon, but make sure to defrost it properly before marinating it.

When cutting the marinated salmon, make sure to do it in thin slices and at a diagonal angle. This will not only make it look nicer, but it will also make it easier to eat.

If you don't like salmon skin, you can remove it before marinating it.

Cocina Casera English
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